My Eeyore Album

Page 4

Not that it matters, but I'm rebuilding my house," answered Eeyore. "The wind blew it over, again."

From Tigger Takes Over, My Very First Winnie the Pooh Series

"This schooling business--pencils and whatnot--it's overrated if you ask me."

From Pooh's First Day of School, My Very First Winnie the Pooh Series

"Oh, joy," mumbled Eeyore.  "What do you know...I won."


"I won!" shouted Tigger, even before he got to the other side. Didn't I win?"  "Nope," said Eeyore. "I'm afraid not, Tigger. Here comes my stick now." Eeyore won again.


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But just like before, Eeyore's stick sailed past the others. "Yes, that's really my stick," said Eeyore. "How very interesting."


Eeyore won the next game too. "Four times in a row, Eeyore said. "Who would ever have thought it."

They played again, and Eeyore won again. "Fascinating!" mumbled Eeyore as he picked up his stick. "Just plain fascinating."

And Eeyore won the time after that, too. "I just don't seem able to lose," Eeyore muttered to himself. "I've won each time."


"But, I'll tell you a secret," he whispered. "That is...if you want to know?"


"See, I drop my stick in a twitch sort of way," Eeyore explained, showing Tigger how.

From "Tiggers Hate to Lose," My Very First Winnie the Pooh Series

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