My Eeyore Album

Page 6

Eeyore walked slowly. Then, right in front of him, he saw two beautiful butterflies.

"Red and yellow butterflies," Eeyore said. "They are very bright and they seem to be happy dancing over a beautiful purple flower. But it's not enough color to make me feel better. I am collecting more and more bright colors but feeling gloomier and gloomier."

"Ssay, sssonny!" whistled Gopher, popping up from one of his holes. "Did I hear that sssomeone'sss gloomy?"

"Oh, hello, Gopher," Eeyore said. "I am playing a game looking for colors to cheer me up. I've found very bright colors but I'm still sad."

"Hmm," said Gopher thoughtfully. "Isss that the only reason why you're upssset?"

"Tigger scared me," Eeyore mumbled. His head drooped. "Tigger hurt my feelings."

"Tigger told me sssomething sssimilar," Gopher answered. "He sssaid you didn't want to be hisss friend anymore. But you know Tigger," chuckled Gopher. "I be he could even ssscare a heffalump!"

Eeyore said nothing.

"Lisssen, sssonny," Gopher whistled on, "all the bright colorsss in the Hundred-Acre Wood won't cheer you up until you and Tigger are friendsss again."

"He didn't say he was sorry," Eeyore complained.

"No," agreed Gopher, "because you told him he wasn't your friend, and Tigger'sss feelingsss got hurt, too!"

That was hard for Eeyore to imagine. He stared at Gopher.

"Look, I gotta get back to my tunnelsss," said Gopher. "Jussst remember--friendsss forgive each other!" Then he was gone.

Eeyore wandered along, thinking about what Gopher had said. He kept on walking until he reached Pooh's house. Eeyore peeked in the window. Pooh was home! And Piglet was there, too. Suddenly, Eeyore wanted to tell his friends what had happened that morning. Pooh saw him and welcomed him inside.

"Eeyore!" Pooh exclaimed. "You're just in time! Piglet and I are going to pack up some honey and go out for a picnic on this beautiful day."

"Thank you, Pooh," said Eeyore. "But I don't want to eat anything just now."

"Not eat anything--poor Eeyore! What's wrong?" worried Pooh. "Are you sick?"

"No, I'm not sick." Eeyore sighed a big sigh. "I got angry, and now my tummy hurts. I need to forgive Tigger."

"F-forgive Tigger? What did he do?" asked Piglet.

"He bounced me very suddenly," Eeyore replied sadly. "He knocked me down and scared me. But that's not the worst."

"Not the worst? What else happened?" squeaked Piglet.

Story continued on next page

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