My Eeyore Album

Page 7

"I lost my temper," admitted Eeyore, hanging his head. "I told Tigger he wasn't my friend. And now I feel terrible."

"I know what!" Pooh said. "I'll go and find Tigger for you right now. Then you can forgive him and we can all have a picnic!"

"Well...okay, Pooh," said Eeyore.

When Pooh opened his door to go looking for Tigger, there was Tigger just coming up the path to his door! Tigger looked upset too.

"Tigger!" Pooh called our. "I was just coming to find you this very minute, and here you are!"

"Yeah, here I am, Pooh Boy. Have you seen Eeyore?" Tigger asked. "There's something' important I gots ta tell him."

"Well, he's in my house, he's gots ta--er--he's got something important to say, too!" said Pooh. "Come in."

"I'm sorry my bouncing scared you, Eeyore," said Tigger as he walked in.

"I didn't like it, Tigger," Eeyore explained.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Buddy Boy," admitted Tigger. "I guess tiggers is scary things, sometimes."

"I forgive you, Tigger," Eeyore said. "Can we be friends again?"

"Hoo-hoo-HOO! 'Course we can!" Tigger cried happily. "Tiggers is always friends!"

They packed up a lovely picnic. Tigger was so happy to be friends with Eeyore again that he bounced all over the place. Tigger found Roo and brought him to the picnic, too!

Eeyore looked around. He saw a red shirt with his friend Pooh Bear inside it. He saw pink ears. "My little friend Piglet!" Eeyore said. "And Tigger is orange, and Roo is wearing blue, and there's lots of golden yellow honey!"

"With all my good friends and the green Hundred-Acre Wood, I have collected all the colors of the rainbow. And that...," said Eeyore, taking a lick of honey, " more than enough to cheer me up!"

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